5 Problems You Don’t Want Your Tinted Windows to Get

Getting tinted windows is a norm for many car owners. So much so that it’s a must. Tinted windows do more than add to the aesthetic of a car. It has benefits that offer safety, comfort, and efficiency.

What many people don’t realize is just how much their tinted windows are doing them a favor. This addition to a car does cost some extra money. On top of that, there is maintenance. But with its perks, it is a must for every car owner to get their car windows tinted.

Perks of Tinted Windows

Almost all private cars and other vehicles have tinted windows. Protection is one of the key benefits of tinted windows. For one, these keep the interior of the car cool and even protect the skin from damage and skin cancer. Tinted windows improve comfort and privacy in vehicles. They also enhance the driver’s view of the road by preventing the glare of the sun. Your air conditioning system can work more efficiently, too, since tinted windows help insulate the cool air.

To continue enjoying these perks, you must manage and care for your tinted windows. It’s inevitable for tinted windows to get damaged or signs of wear and tear over time. Here are five common problems car owners experience with their windows and how to fix them.

1. Air Pockets

Upon installation, it’s normal to observe some bubbles or air pockets trapped on the surface. This is easily cleared away using a squeegee tool or even a card. Simply push it against the surface, leading the air pockets to the edge of the film. However, if the bubbles persist, it is dirt and dust left on the surface upon application. But if it’s a tint that you have had for some time now, then it probably is a sign of wear and tear.

2. Peeling Edges

If you find that the edges of the film have started to peel, then it’s time to replace the tint. Years of exposure to the sun are most likely to dry out the adhesive on the film, thus the peeling. With your windows partially exposed, it may affect the performance of your air conditioner. To prevent sun exposure from drying the adhesive, park your car in a shaded place or your garage. But if this problem is something you’re currently experiencing, it can be easily replaced by removing the peeling section and replacing it with a new one. This might require some skilled and experienced hands, so check out the local car service specialists.

tinted window

3. Scratched, Torn, or Ripped Film

Aside from the peeling edges, holes and rips can leave the interior exposed to the sun’s UV rays. This can be caused by placing sharp objects too close to the window’s tint, so beware of what you put in the backseat. To adequately protect the car’s interior once again, have the film removed and replaced by a professional. If you’re thinking of putting it off, comfort isn’t the only reason to get it replaced. Ripped and scratched films can interfere with the driver’s view of the road.

4. Hard Water Spots

Hard water spots are the residues of evaporated water. The chalky, ash-like appearance is due to the minerals that are left behind as the water evaporates. The more time they’re left alone, the more stubborn they become to remove. Moreover, they can disturb the view of the driver. To remove these stains, mix equal parts of water and vinegar. Spray or apply this to the affected areas. Let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping or scrubbing away the water stains.

5. Not Following the Approved Tint Percentage

If you consider installing the tint yourself as a DIY project, you might want to think twice. Besides risking the possibility of using the wrong technique, you should first consult with a professional about the approved percentage for tinted car windows in your state. Every state has its own window tint law for car owners to adhere to. If you fail to follow the required percentage, you might end up spending twice as much as you should. To prevent extra costs, have the right tint percentage installed the first time.


The tint on your car windows lasts five years on average, but it also depends on how you care for it. Because of its utility, it’s something worth looking after, don’t you think? Learning more about the common issues of tinted windows can help you prevent these all together and avoid costly repairs, too.

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