Learning How Automotive Innovation Make Lives Easier

In this fast-paced era, industries are rapidly changing due to innovations emerging, and the automotive industry is part of that revolution. Both adoptions and innovations set new trends in this outdated industry, which has changed drastically. You can’t deny that the automotive industry is still evolving rapidly. Over the years, vehicles have improved, and manufacturers regularly look into delivering better-performing models.

From fast charging to seat belts, innovations in the automotive industry are still getting more advanced and efficient. Manufacturers focus on selling the latest specifications and newest additions built into a vehicle. Below is a list of the innovative breakthroughs that have made your lives more manageable.

Fast Charging

Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular across the globe, and they’re still evolving. Most manufacturers worry about the future, so they’re producing or planning to build high-powered electric vehicles with the same power and features as the best fuel-engine cars. However, one of the best features of hybrid or electric vehicles is their battery-powered engines. You can recharge these batteries through outlets at your house or any charging outlets.

Most EVs have a regular AC charger that can recharge the battery within four to six hours, but fast charging makes things easier and quicker. With this new feature, you can recharge a battery within 30 minutes to an hour. You can’t easily find charging stations, but the increasing demand for electric vehicles will increase that number. If you can’t find a charging station near your area, you can try your lock in an auto repair shop.

You can find repair shops that can accommodate the needs of hybrid or electric cars.

Automatic Parking

Most drivers will say that they’ve had a hard time parking their cars, making automatic parking one of the most beneficial and innovative features made. Lexus introduced this feature in 2006, but it has become the world’s most sought-after feature. It allows you to park your car automatically, but you can still expect occasional brakes if you set your vehicle to do so. More and more manufacturers have included this feature in their products, and buyers have been aiming for these.

You can still enjoy this feature, regardless of the model or make you’re driving. Using a used car examination tool is helpful if you’re buying a used or secondhand vehicle.

WI-FI Connection

car connected to wifi

Both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto have changed the industry, further extending to Wi-Fi hotspots inside the vehicle. Using your tablets, smartphones, or other connected devices while driving might not be advisable, but the integrated Wi-Fi hotspots make it easier to stay connected while driving through tunnels or low-signal areas.

Before, only luxury or premium brands had this feature, but lower-end producers have also included it in their models. It’ll keep your children occupied and distracted while you’re driving, lessening the things you’ll have to worry about. Don’t forget to connect your device for their entertainment.

Smartphone Integration

Modern smartphones might be getting smarter and smarter daily, but vehicles are also evolving rapidly. That makes your car and smartphone the best combination to make your driving experience more entertaining, safer, and better. Most drivers have been connecting their phones to their vehicles through Bluetooth or USB connections, but it was only for playing music or making calls.

Today, you can do many things with your car’s computer system and smartphone due to the numerous applications available for a more immersive driving experience. You can shop, watch movies, locate a destination, listen to music or podcasts, read and send texts, or receive or make calls with voice commands or a button. Innovations are getting more advanced, so you can expect more changes from this feature.

Keyless Start and Entry

Using car keys is slowly becoming a relic. Modern cars now feature electronic key fobs, allowing you to enter your vehicle without using a key. In addition, it’ll also allow you to unlock your vehicle from a certain distance, allowing you to enter with ease. Electronic key fobs are light and can start, lock, or open the car before getting in. You’ll also find a push button inside your vehicle. It’ll help you easily get the engine running.

You won’t have to insert the key for that purpose. Immediately press the button and get your car running within seconds.

Automatic Liftgates

Most car manufacturers introduced automatic liftgates to address the frustrations of many drivers. It opens the trunk or back without having to touch the door. You can find the sensors under the car’s rear, and they can detect your foot. You can wave your foot underneath it to open the liftgate. Despite being handy, it might not work with one kick.

Manufacturers also integrated a feature in the electronic key fob that detects your proximity and automatically opens the liftgate if you’re close enough.

Most vehicles come with at least a few of these features, but luxury or premium models will feature nearly all of them. Because innovations are rapidly changing, you can expect more breakthroughs in the automotive industry.

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