Should You Relocate for Your Job?

Relocation is considered a milestone and should not be taken lightly. There are plenty of repercussions that you need to anticipate and prepare for if you’re considering it. For instance, if you’re planning on moving to a less expensive area to cut back on your expenses, consider the additional costs you’d incur when packing your belongings and hiring movers and a vehicle transport company. You might also encounter other possible issues such as changes in your salary — to say nothing of how this would all affect your mental wellbeing. Before you pack your bags, here are some things you need to consider.

Evacuation to the suburbs

Big cities have lost their appeal to millennials, who once moved there for career opportunities, culture, and nightlife. But because the pandemic has led to the closure of many businesses and establishments, there’s not much to see in those cities anymore. With remote work likely to go on for a while longer, there’s no need to commute to work.

It’s also more challenging to observe social distancing and feel safe in big cities. Many city-dwellers feel claustrophobic in their city apartments and are now looking for areas with more green spaces. The suburbs are seen as a place where they can find that.

Being less financially stable than their boomer parents were at their age, millennials are also more likely to move to the suburbs. The cost of living there is often significantly lower. This generation — along with Generation Z — is also known for putting off having children for economic purposes. This might make relocating a better decision for these childless younger generations. This is because increased childhood residential mobility negatively impacts mental health. Children whose families move a lot are more likely to develop anxiety and depression in adulthood. Not having a child to think about might make moving easier for millennials.

How would it affect your job?

Your pay might decrease. While you’re looking for ways to cut back on your expenses, many companies are trying to do the same. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced last year that employees who relocated to lower-cost locations would have their salaries trimmed. You’ll also have to look into whether your employer would cut your relocation costs. These are the things you’ll have to consider before finalizing the move.

What’s the local job market like?

If worse comes to worst and you end up losing your current job, would you stand a chance in the new location’s job market? Make sure to do your research on other jobs in the area before moving.

There are hidden costs

You might think that moving to a less expensive area might help to relieve you of some of your financial woes. But there are hidden costs to it, too. An example is paying for the moving service and any emergency costs that might come up during the move. You’d have to be prepared for the possibility of overnight expenses. This is when you and the moving company can’t reach the destination by the end of the day, so you have to pay extra for overnight handling. You’d also have to sleep at a hotel, which would add to your expenses. There’s also the possibility of the movers parking in the wrong spot when they get to the new location and earning parking tickets, which you would have to cover.

Friendships and social circles

friends concept

Moving farther away from your social circles could make you feel more isolated during the move. While visits are highly discouraged, and we’ve had to stick to mobile communication, it’s still more comforting to know that you could even visit them.

As we know, friendships are also harder to maintain in adulthood as you and your friends often embark on different paths. We make plans to catch up that end being postponed for another date. Usually, that cycle repeats itself until both parties stop initiating plans altogether. Moving away would only serve to pin the nail on the coffin.

Moving away from your loved ones, coupled with going into unfamiliar territory, may only contribute to you feeling more anxious and depressed at the new location.

Relocating involves making many sacrifices and dealing with changes that won’t be easy or pleasant to accustom yourself to. It’s safe to say that you should only move if you can afford it or if you think that staying would be worse. You should also think about how this change would affect the others in your life. If you have children, for instance, the move may be difficult for them. Think through all of these possibilities and repercussions before finalizing your decision to move.

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