Living a Nomadic Life: Top 8 Mobile Home Options to Consider

As people start to realize that real wealth lies in creating memories, experience, joy, and not just buying stuff, the techno-nomad way of living is becoming more popular than ever. It paves the path for aspiring nomadic dwellers to make their dreams come true, but you may wonder, what are your options when it comes to homes on the go?

Whether you’re a digital nomad or a long-term traveler, these eight types of mobile dwellings offer you humble living alongside increased freedom. The best part is, you can always spruce up your mobile home with a fresh coat of paint from an automotive paint booth or equipment.

The Camper Shell Truck

Camper shell trucks or truck camper caps are often placed on traditional pick-up trucks, providing a comfy and enclosed area. Although initially meant for short-term storage camping, people are becoming more creative and crafty, transforming humble camper shell trucks into liveable small mobile homes.

Classic Trailer

Nothing speaks ‘nomadic dwelling’ than your classic trailers. Old-school trailers are turning the tide, becoming immensely popular among young and free-spirited individuals living in upscale mobile home communities. Trailers are available in different sizes, ranging from compact to spacious, making it a great mobile home option for those looking for an ‘unattached’ lifestyle.

The Housetruck

Housetrucks are larger than your typical mobile homes, containing living and sleeping areas or even a kitchen complete with a wooden stove, but are still small enough for nomads. However, these portable living spaces often don’t have built-in bathrooms — unless you’re willing to splurge, which, if it’s the case, you can also add a shower room inside the vehicle.

The Surf Van

For individuals who love living by the coastal areas or even the beach itself and don’t care much about upscale living standards, surf vans are a great mobile home to consider. Whether you’re a ‘surf dude,’ kiteboarder, or beach bum, these portable houses let you be in your ‘surfing element’ while being surrounded by what you love the most — the beach.

Tiny House On Wheels

Small or tiny homes are usually under 300 square feet and typically have wheels, making them an excellent option for single nomads on the go. As long as the mobile home stays small, compact, and 100% mobile, you can get permits, building codes, and zoning bylaws — letting you live in your tiny house without worry.

small trailer home

Stealth Campervan

Urban stealth camping or boondocking is a trend popular with today’s nomads, and they achieve this by using stealth campervans. These vehicles combine the designs and functions of campers and stealth vans. It enables you to park and live anywhere you want, allowing you to spend the night without getting disturbed.

Portable Prefabricated Home

Simple, stylish, and cost-effective, a portable prefabricated house has hooks that allow it to get picked by a crane and transported by large trucks. These homes often use sustainable solutions like rainwater collection systems and solar panels, making it the perfect mobile home for any situation — no matter how remote. You may also place a prefabricated house with pre-existing connections to utilities, including water and electricity supplies.

The Yurt

Yurt is Turkish for ‘felt house,’ a type of nomadic dwelling originating from Central Asia. These are portable tents covered with felt or skin, consisting of wood and bamboo, making them sturdy yet compact and easy to move around. Today’s modern yurts consist of wagons combined with different materials like latticed wood to create off-grid portable residences.

Although settling down is a common goal among many individuals, some want to live life freely and on the go — and for those looking to live the nomadic way, consider investing in any of the mobile homes mentioned for style, comfort, and convenience in one package.

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